Monday, April 17, 2006

Chicken nuggets

My mom was in town for an Easter visit. I hinted several times about the ceremony, trying to get her to say if she had changed her mind about attending. I asked her if she discussed Provincetown with my sister, Becky. No. I talked about how we can't start saving money for a place until after the ceremony. Nothing. I showed her the Secret Garden Inn web page and our site. Didn't trigger anything.

She did ask to see my dress. I held it up, rather crunched in the garment bag. She thought it was pretty. But she didn't say if she wanted to see it now because she wouldn't see it later or if it was just a sneak peak. I'm such a big chicken I didn't ask her point blank, so we're assuming she's still a no show.

Bottom line: I've talked on multiple occasions to both of my parents -- and even saw my mother in person -- but have not had conversations with them about whether or not they are coming. I am officially rewriting the Carly Simon song and singing myself the refrain in the mirror. "You're so lame. You probably think this song is about you. Don't you, don't you."


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