Wednesday, April 06, 2005

To do, since I will, list

1. Put down in writing why I decided marriage was something to do afterall.
2. Figure out who in my family gets an invite and have whatever life-altering conversations that decision requires.
3. Find a way to run spellcheck on blogger without losing everything I write.
4. Pick up my dress from the dry cleaners a few weeks late. (Good thing Lisa, the cleaner, is on a first name basis with me and my dog, Judy. She gives us liver biscotti.)
5. Decide if it is appropriate to propose to Kelley or to be proposed to -- even though we've already exchanged rings and agreed to tie the knot.
6. Determine if wanting someone to see me looking hot in my wedding dress is a good enough reason to invite them to the ceremony.
7. All that other stuff about picking a date and a place, etc.


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