Monday, November 21, 2005


For the first time since we started dating, Kelley and I will spend Christmas day apart. She is going back to her hometown, Elmira, N.Y., for the holiday, and I volunteered to cover a Christmas day shift for Dan, a newlywed whose bea-u-tiful wife was featured in this blog earlier this fall.

Anyway, I was being all reasonable, saying I thought it was nice that KQ was going to spend time with her family and that we could reschedule our day. But then over the weekend, I ran face first into the perfect emotional storm: petty issues at work, an email saying my best friend's grandfather died, a street corner fight with KQ where I yelled "I'm not some bisexual you picked up two weeks ago at Berlin" (classy, I know), an overdose of the all-Christmas-all-the-time radio station (Lite 93.9 check it out) and a bottle of wine (oh wait, I think the bottle of wine came before the street corner fight) and boom. I was reduced to bawling into my blanket because I had to spend Christmas without my SO.

A right-minded woman would hit the pavement, wouldn't she? Who wants to put up with this crazy shit? Kelley for one. The morning after my performance she was all doting and sweet, serving me ibuprofen, Zoloft and Sierra Mist in bed. Later she confessed that she was touched by my crying fit. I am usually so straight with my emotions, she said, it made her feel good to know that she would be missed. Match made in the loony bin.


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