Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The IRS blows

The last two weeks we've spent most of our time thinking about money -- earning it, sharing it, paying off debt and paying up front for the wedding. We were hyped about Cook County's domestic partnership benefits because it looked like they would save us mucho dinero on my health insurance. But we forgot that we're ahead of the times.

The fine print shows that if Kelley puts me on her health plan and we aren't legally married (which we can't be in Illinois), she will have to pay taxes on whatever my premium costs. The shitty thing is she'd have to pay the tax all at once, basically at the end of the year when she's used to getting a nice tax return. It would end up costing us more than paying for two separate health care plans.

Maybe instead of suggesting our guests contribute to a honeymoon account, we'll solicit donations to Lambda Legal or another gay marriage lobby group. That has the potential to pay off more in the long run.

I just have to remember, we're doing this for us. Not for the feds. And if enough of us do it, they will come around.


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