Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The wedding is tentatively set for July 30, 2006, the date of my 30th birthday, also known as my golden birthday. In typical Leo fashion, I like to celebrate my birthday over several days, demanding everyone around me eat what I want, sleep when I want, do what I want and drink what I want. And I like to think everyone has a good time. In fact, I probably have pictures to prove that.

By holding the wedding on the alignment of my age and date, I extend that power to us as a couple. I also pay homage to my grandfather, who married my grandmother on his birthday. It just seems like the ultimate thing to share.

That brings me to plans for my 29th celebration. I've decided to confront my longstanding fear of heights, which is not unlike my plans to confront my longstanding fear of marriage. KQ and I are headed to Six Flags for my first-ever roller coaster ride. I need to figuratively take the plunge before actually taking the plunge. The American Eagle, my wedding metaphor.


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